How do I add an alert to my Elite (only) account?

Deborah Fagan
Deborah Fagan
  • Updated


We’ve made it easy to add Alerts to your Elite HuntWise account of optimal hunting conditions for a particular property, map pin, or area you hunt. To add an Alert, please go to the HuntCast tab, select the “Bell” icon from the top right corner, followed by the "+ Add Alert" button. Once selected, you will have the opportunity to customize your Alert by selecting the location, species, start, end date, and “Rating” (the probability percentage rate). Complete the Alert by selecting "Create Alert." To edit, go back to the “Bell” icon where you will find your Alerts listed and select the one you would like to edit/delete. When opened, choose the field you would like to edit or the “Delete” option from the top right to remove.

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