Bulk Coupon Codes Only
1. Login or Create an Account at Huntwise.com
You must be logged in to continue with this process.
2. Navigate to Huntwise.com/checkout on a Web Browser.
You cannot use a bulk coupon code on our mobile applications (iOS/Android), however it is acceptable to redeem this code using the browser on your mobile device (Safari, Chrome, etc).
3. Click Claim Trial under the tier your code is for.
The example shows where to click if your code is for an Elite Membership.
4. Once the Payment Information window loads, select “Click Here” under Promo Code
5. Enter in your Promo Code and click Apply
6. A message will display saying "You're saving 100%"
This may be different depending on what your code is valid for, in this example, it is 100% off.
7. Ensure Elite Annual is still selected under Membership Access
This value may be different, such as Pro Annual, depending on what your code is valid for.
8. Complete the rest of the form and click "Start My Subscription"
9. Welcome to HuntWise!
Other notes:
- The promo code will only work for an Elite Annual subscription, so be sure that's what's selected on checkout
- The user will automatically be opted in to auto renew once the subscription lapses. It's recommended for them to turn off their auto renew upon successful subscription.
- If auto renew is not disabled the credit card on file will be charge when the renewal is up. There are multiple warnings before this happens but it is best to disable auto renew ahead of time. We plan to have a follow-up set of codes for 75% off after this first free year and should be able to deliver these next year.
- If the user has a free trial available for the account, it will first go through the 7-day free trial and then the Elite Annual subscription will activate
- If the user does not have a free trial available for the account, it will activate the Elite Annual subscription right away
- There may be a receipt for $0.00 after checkout
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